Featured Designer: Shandra Smith


What better way to wrap up this week than with these eye-catching designs from Canadian Artist and Designer Shandra Smith.

Known for her bold and graphic style, Shandra has recently had her work translated into wall murals and wallpaper, and on to some funky footwear. This past year, her designs have also been featured in hotel guest rooms, lampshades, and on a Canadian wine label as well. She is currently working on new collaborations, which include personal leather accessories and women’s clothing.


To begin her process, she creates a little “scene” with any matter of colorful objects – foam circles, post-it notes, party streamers – whatever takes her fancy that day. She then photographs it, and starts to “play” with the design on her computer, creating mesmerizing layers and colors that make her designs so eye-catching and beautiful.


In her words: “I find the colorful designs I’m creating to be free and unrestricting – and full of life and vibrancy… an escape from everyday life. The work is personal, but also lighthearted and fun. I want to live out loud and colorfully – and I can express that through my work”.

You can view more of Shandra’s work at www.shandrasmith.com




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