Diane von Furstenberg: Spring 2012

*images via vogue.com, Photo: Marcio Madeira/firstVIEW

There are so many wonderful prints in Diane von Furstenberg’s Spring collection that there will probably be a part II to this post after the shows wrap up. Vibrant prints just seemed to flood down the runway in a wave of African, Japanese, and 60’s inspired looks. I had to eliminate many amazing prints or this would have been a ridiculously long post so please do yourself a favor and check out the rest of the collection here.

I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU for all the support and love that PATTERN OBSERVER has been receiving lately. I love meeting all of you and seeing your work, the classes have been a blast, and the new intern program is rockin’ my world! There are going to be a lot of new post concepts, classes, and features added within the next few months so please keep me in the loop on what you want to see more of and less of….& please keep those submissions coming! You can email me at michelle@patternobserver.com

Lots of love–Michelle

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