Asian Inspired Prints and a New Course Announcement from the Met

*Post by Victoria Snape, images via: (Top-Right) Kukula designs, (Middle Left and Right) Pom Pom clothing, (Bottom Left) Muguet Milan

Victoria compiled this stunning post based on the Asian inspired prints she has seen out shopping and while on the web. If you are in the NYC area and interested in learning to create your own prints on silks, then you may be interested in the course: From Paint to Pattern: The Art of Silk Painting, which is being held by Metropolitan Museum of Art.

“Learn to design for cloth and discover how to paint narrative images and patterns on silk inspired by Iranian manuscript pages and textiles from the Met’s collection. This three-session course meets in the Met’s galleries and studios. Fee: $180, materials and Museum admission included. All levels welcome. Space is Limited. Saturday October 6, 13, 20. 2-5pm.” The course is being taught by Nazanin Hedayat Munroe, artist and textile specialist. For more information please visit their website. I would love to hear from anyone who takes the course!

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