Knitted Textile Designs by Moriel Dezaldeti

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Moriel Dezaldeti is a textile designer from Israel, and a graduate of the Textile Design Department at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design (2010) where she specialized in knitting. The beautifully sculptural, textural images seen above are from Moriel’s “Organs” project and were knitted by a manual knitting machine.

“During her studies at Shenkar, Moriel found a refuge in knitting. Knitting is an intimate and meditative act which provided her a quiet place and a form of expression. Moriel believes that through knitting she can express her vision to the world. Moriel works from the material world, examines body movement compared to textile and produces images of the inward body through search and great curiosity of the human body.

The creation of the textile material from the fiber level is her main pursuit and in the process her color choices and shape choices are actually the things she desires and loves. Moriel, through the transition between the two dimensional and three dimensional, explores the material, listens to it and lets it be what it is and so breathes life into it. In her work as a designer, she puts emphasis on handmade works and mainly works with a manual knitting machine. With the same machine she has developed a technique that combines the two textile knitting and weaving elements and this is how she manages to embrace a variety of colorful and unique textures.

Today Moriel is a partner in Studio 410 which is a studio for textile design and commissions a series of “One of a kind” knitted wraps.

In February two new works of Moriel’s were shown, one “Israeli Art” 2014 for the Israel AIDS Task Force and the second exhibited at the Contemporary Textile Exhibition – “Woven Consciousness” in the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel-Aviv.”

Moriel can be reached by email at

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