Featured Textile Designer: Cara McCaughey


Cara McCaughey is a recent graduate of Belfast School of Art where she studied Textile Art, Design and Fashion with an emphasis on hand embroidery and screen printing. The images above were part of her Final Year Degree Show work entitled Which One Wins? This series was composed of “three large screenprinted and hand embroidered textile wall hangings depicting a self-written narrative circling round ideas of ambition, anxiety and the concept of success.” This work has been “exhibited numerous times and was awarded the Institute of Designers in Ireland’s Graduate Award in Textile Design.”

Cara’s work is inspired by “the flora and fauna of my home, Northern Ireland. I mix this visual inspiration with stories I write myself and the result is highly illustrative, dynamic repeat patterns. I give a unique edge to my work with the laborious hand embroidery I apply to add colour, texture and narrative to break up the repetition.”

We love Cara’s innovative coupling of embroidery and pattern design, and her commitment to creating all of her work by hand. You can see more of Cara’s work at her website, www.caramccaughey.co.uk. Enjoy your weekend! -Chelsea

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