Featured Designer: Sarah Watson

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You’re in for a treat today! I am super excited to introduce you to the work of Sarah Watson. Sarah is an American surface pattern designer based near Sao Paulo, Brazil. She stays busy designing for Cloud 9 Organic Fabrics, as well as two print studios in her spare time. We are looking at her current fabric line with Cloud 9 which was released this fall, a beautiful collection called Garden Secrets.

“I studied textile design as a part of the Fiber Arts program at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I designed children’s clothing for a bit, and for the last few years have been a part of the licensing world, with clients such as Art Gallery Fabrics, Chasing Paper Wallpaper and Cloud 9 Organic Fabrics.”

Sarah also has an embroidery motif book that was just released called Pen-To-Thread. We told you she was busy! To see more of Sarah’s beautiful work please visit her website http://sarahwatsonillustration.com/.

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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