found patterns: fish scales

*images from clockwise: Golden Scales by Farhan Amoor, Prada via, Marc Jacobs via, Echeveria by Quinn Dombrowski, The Scale by Aini, Prada via, Fish Truck by Paul Anderson, Marc Jacobs via, Prada via

The apparel industry never ceases to amaze me. Prada and Marc Jacobs both decided to highlight this amazing fish scale fabric in their Fall collections. The fabrics are slightly different, but how is it that both designers decided upon this extremely unique look? I really want to get to the bottom of this. Were they approached by the same factory with this concept? Could they have both developed this idea on their own?

Whatever happened, this fish scale texture made a major splash (sorry, had to say it) at the fall runway shows. It is one of the freshest looks of the season and I love it…I wonder if this is a trend that will trickle down to lower price points?

It is probably very expensive to produce, so I am guessing that more price conscious designers will have to turn to prints to achieve the look. I like the more geometric take on the scales vs. a digital realistic fish look, but I can’t wait to see where this trend goes!

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