Found Patterns: Shattered

*post by The Pattern Observer team, images via: Cacharel Spring ’13 via, “Shattered” by Eljay, Aquilano.Rimondi Spring ’13 via, “Shattered 4” by Philip Bitnar, Giles Spring ’13 via, “Safety glass” by Martin Sutherland, Tibi Spring ’13 via, “Radiate” by ~My aim is true~, Miu Miu Spring ’13 via

Welcome to the week! I hope you enjoy this shattered trend that we found really interesting. There are so many different ways to interpret this trend: clean, vector fragments, abstract photoshoped prints, collaged pieces or charcoal sketches, the possibilities are endless. There is officially one more day to enter the Sellable Sketch giveaway so hop on over and check it out here. Have a fabulous week!

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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