Images (clockwise): “Orange is the Happiest Color” by Nattu, “Citrus” by Clyde Robinson, “California Winter Oranges” by Randy Robertson, “Orange”...
* images via: “newark-from-the-air-at-night” by Dan DeLuca, “Busy post 6pm” by Juhan Sonin, “Santa Clara Street at night” by Richard...
* images via: “Field Of Dreams” by Luis Argerich, “Pencils” by Tony Hisgett, “Pencils” by Stefan W., “Color Caos” by...
*images via: “Crystal Cove Rock” by Jeremiah Tran, “Rock Crystals” by Matthew Venn, “Blue Crystal” by Quinn Dombrowski, by Phoebe...
These are just a few shots from my recent trip home to South Carolina. Fall is a beautiful time...
*images via: “Fall Leaves On Grass” by Kevin, “Leaves” by Sonja Lovas, “Falling Leaves” by QUOI Media Group, “Fallen Leaves”...
*images via: “The Glory of The Chinese Descendants” by dbking, “Vogue” by Yannis Vlamos, “Big Fan” by Jay Bergesen, “Fans Blowing...
Images via: (Clockwise from top left) “colorful shelf fungus on tree stem” by Scot Nelson, “mushrooms” by Aleksey Gnilenkov (cropped from original), “coral fungus” by Scott Darbey, “tree fungus” by Aileen’s Pics, “Fungus” by Geoff...
*Images via Chelsea Densmore, others: (Top-Right) “Homemade Paper Detail” by Jimmie, (2nd row-Left) “Handmade paper” by Cornelia Kopp, (3rd row-Right)...
* post by Jennifer Herrmann, images via “Honeycomb Structure” by Gavin Mackintosh, “Honeycomb” by Pratap Shashank, “Honeycomb” by John Davenport,...
*images via: “Indigo Bunting” by Hurt_Curt, “Unknown”by Michael, “Blue Tile” by Patrick Hoesly, “Blue Moon Texture” by Dyrk Wyst, “Indigo...