Featured Designer: Ellen Giggenbach

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We were so delighted by this collage of whimsical prints that Ellen Giggenbach sent over! It is always such a treat to see a designer’s ideas brought to life in finished fabrics.

Ellen was born in Bavaria in Germany, and has been “blessed to live in New Zealand” for most of her life. She grew up “surrounded by German traditions (my father carved folk flowers and birds into our kitchen cupboards.) Because of this, my work often looks quite Scandinavian and folksy.

After completing high school, my father’s job at the United Nations took us to live in Vienna, Austria. There I studied Design for 2 years and after returning to New Zealand I was awarded a Diploma With Distinction in Graphic Design.

I live in a lovely little village in Wellington, I’m happily married with 2 teenage sons.

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I work freelance from home in my sunny little studio filled with mid century treasures. My designs start by hand cutting painted paper, I then scan them and add details digitally, I also create simple repeats digitally to coordinate with the main design, I love colour! My designs are unabashedly vibrant, I am also passionate about mid century design, I love how it often doesn’t take itself too seriously. I am particularly drawn to simple graphic shapes too, my designs compose of mainly straight lines and simple curves.”

You can see more of Ellen’s work at www.ellengiggenbach.com. Have a wonderful weekend! -Chelsea

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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