happy new year!

I love the texture and whimsy in these paintings by Cari Humphry. Be sure to check out more of her work on etsy! Have a Happy New Year!

  1. whenever I see painted cows I think of this quote from Ben Shahn, the American artist from the early 20th century:

    “Art, as I saw it one day when I helped hang a National Academy show while I was a student there, was about cows. In those days, early in the twenties, there were many cow paintings. More than that, the cows always stood knee-deep in purple shadows. For the life of me I never learned to see purple where there was no purple — and I detested cows. I was frankly distressed at the prospects for me as an artist. But there came a time when I stopped painting, stopped in order to evaluate all these doubts. If I couldn’t see purple where there was no purple — I wouldn’t use it. If I didn’t like cows, I wouldn’t paint them. What then was I to paint? Slowly I found that I must paint those things that were meaningful to me–that I could honestly paint in the shapes and colors I felt belonged to them. What shall I paint? Stories.”

    1. great quote Giff! staying true to one’s self..and being OK with whatever that comprises is one of the hardest parts of being a designer/artist/human. Thanks so much for adding to the post!

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