A Field Guide to Fabric Design Giveaway!!!!!

*image via Crafterhours

Yeah!!!!! I am super excited about this giveaway and I know you are as well, I can feel it!

I will be interviewing Kim Kight, from TrueUp and author of the newly released, The Field Guide to Fabric Design, and I want your input. So…I am giving away a copy of The Field Guide to the reader who submits the best interview question. Kim and I will be discussing her new book, the quilting industry, and trends she saw at the recent International Quilt Show in Houston. So this is your chance to get involved!

The Deadline is December 8th and the winner will be announced on December 12th. Please post your questions for Kim in the comment box below. I look forward to hearing from you!!

  1. How do you select your colours? Do you have a method, particular colours you always favour, or is it completely random?

  2. Do you feel textile design is an art or a craft? and Do you feel that the business of textile design is limited by consumer preference or are do you feel you have freedom to share your point of view?

  3. My question is this: If you want to be a professional (that is, design for one of the big fabric companies) fabric designer, what’s the best way to go about it? Should you put together a bunch of collections and send off a query letter and portfolio to your favorite fabric companies, as a graphic designer or illustrator might do to solicit work? Should you enter dozens of Spoonflower Fabric of the Week contests, win a few, sell a lot of fabric, and wait patiently to be discovered? Should you have a blog and Facebook page and write about fabric, post designs and projects, and cultivate a following of about 30 people (okay, maybe that’s just MY blog & FB page…)? I’m a lifelong artist, have a degree in painting & drawing, have been a graphic designer/illustrator for 16 years, won a few awards including Spoonflower FOTW, love fabric and pattern (of course!), and would LOVE to be a REAL fabric designer. I just don’t know what to do to be one!

  4. Hello,
    Do you remember the moment when your love of fabric shifted from being a hobby to realising that it would be your profession? Or was it just a natural progression? And inside that evolution was there a mentor?


  5. What was the first fabric you hoarded, and how long did you have it/have you had it?

    (love trueup! one of my top 3 blogs)

  6. Hi there,

    I love to sketch and doodle. I was wondering what do you use to redraw your designs? do you use illustrator? Do you use a stylus (like a wycom) or your mouse?

    love your designs.


  7. Hi Kim! I’m so curious to know more about this modern sewing/modern craft movement and the new markets and opportunities for fabric designers that are opening up around it. How exactly is this new market currently related to the quilting market? Can you give a brief history of this movement and/or point us in the direction of sources where we can learn more about it? Thanks! 😉 And thanks Michelle for the opportunity to participate in the interview!

  8. what completely excellent questions, all of you! The competition is stiff…

    My question is – do you more often design from something that inspires you first, and then find applications and outlets for it? or (especially as you are a more established artist/craftsperson) do you mostly get given a brief that you design to?

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