Interview with Khristian A. Howell

Are you interested in licensing your patterns or possibly attending Surtex? If so, you are in for a treat! I recently sat down with famed designer Khristian A. Howell to ask her about her work, her show experiences and more.

In this interview we cover an array of questions, including:

1. How did Surtex 2013 compare to years past? What trends did you see emerging?

2. Who typically draws up a licensing contract, the artist or the buyer?

3. How did you know you were ready for your first art licensing show?

4. What sort of routine do you have after the show to make the most of the experience?

  1. hi Michelle… was the name of the designer discussed “honor davis”? (who has her branding and story right). I can’t seem to google any info on her? Can you point me in the right direction with how to spell her name/find info. thanks 🙂

  2. I absolutely, absolutely have been loving the interviews you’ve been doing lately. I really appreciate all the time you put into these.

    If it’s ever an easy fix, it would be great to have the ability to listen to these on an iphone. Perhaps a podcast download or mp3 download or some-such? I do so much in my car, and these would be great road-trip listening. Or maybe it’s possible and I just haven’t figured it out yet.

    1. Hi Corinna,
      So glad you’ve been enjoying the interviews! A podcast is a wonderful idea and we will look into it. Thanks!

  3. Great interview with tons of advice on the subject of exhibiting and licensing.
    Inspiring and informative.
    Cheers Michelle and Khristian x x

  4. great interview, Michelle and Khristian….I really appreciate specific advise and sharing where her brand is going and how she plans to get there. Also a thought about the varied styles conversation; that is a definite must when designing in-house as you and I did. A skill to be sure but you make a good point about finding your voice and sticking with it.

  5. Hi Michelle, I really enjoyed this interview with you and Khristian. There was a lot of informative advice for anyone thinking about participating in a trade show (and more!)
    Many thanks xx

  6. Congrats Khristian on having a triirfec debut! And, thank you for telling your story. I couldn’t make it this time but I’d LOVE to walk the show someday and have a booth! I’ve dealt with licensed art on behalf of companies I’ve worked for but I’m just figuring out how to license my own work! I had NO IDEA there are groups who license art and have a submission process?? Tell me more! : )

  7. So timely!
    Especially since Surtex is just around the corner and I’m still on the fence if I should walk the show since it’ll cost me a few 100$ to do that on a student budget.

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