Textile Designer: Martina Piñeyrua

Textile Designer Martina Piñeyrua_Pattern Observer_1

Textile Designer Martina Piñeyrua_Pattern Observer_2

Feeling better now? These vibrant patterns from textile designer Martina Piñeyrua of Argentina certainly brightened up my day.

Martina Piñeyrua studied Textile Design at the University of Buenos Aires and went on to work as an independent textile and print designer. In 2009 she and a friend formed Ba Nút, which creates “textiles, unique clothes and a large variety of design objects with their handmade prints. Ba Nút explores and take part in different artistic fields, such as painting, photography and industrial design .”

Martina adds, “Playing in my sketchbook with strong colours, geometrics and textures is the first step of any of my designs. Then I draw and paint by hand, scan the images into Photoshop and put my designs into repeat. I love to visit museums, go to theaters, listen to music and watch movies. All this inspires me.” To see more of Martina’s work please visit http://banutvietnamita.wix.com/banut

I love that Martina mentioned that she uses Photoshop for print development and repeats. Photoshop is my program of choice and I encourage designers to explore all that this program has to offer. If you want to finally learn how to use Photoshop for repeats then please join us for The Ultimate Guide to Repeats Group-Study starting June 16th. In addition to production and Illustrator lessons, I share how to develop free-flowing prints in Photoshop, repeats from flat files in Photoshop and indexing for textile design production. Learn more about the course here. I look forward to working with you!! -Michelle


At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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