Featured Textile Designer: Isabella Singleton

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To wrap up the week we are thrilled to feature these gorgeous prints created by Isabella Singleton! I love Isabella’s use of color, which straddles the line of youthful and sophisticated, and the hand-crafted feel of her work–you can feel the care that was put into each of these prints! When brought together in her work these elements form a perfect mix for women’s fashion which is Isabella’s main focus.

“My style of work is an unusual mix between being very graphic and bold as well as delicate with a definite feminine hand. Almost every print derives from a hand drawing or painting – whether that is simply repeated a few times or I use a more complex method of manipulation, it is usually within Photoshop. I studied Printed Textiles and Surface Pattern Design at Leeds College of Art, graduating a year ago. I have been designing for myself since, taking on freelance work including a window display and underground poster for Camden Create Festival as well as gaining experience at fashion and print studios. Taking on my first trade show under my name very soon in Paris – Indigo, I am working hard to produce as much commercial work for the mid to high end fashion market which was initially tricky as I had to slightly break away from my definitive illustrational style.”

A selected amount of Isabella’s prints can be found at isabellasingletondesign.com and she can be contacted at isabellsingletondesign@gmail.com.

Enjoy your weekend and try to take some time to design! 🙂 -Chelsea

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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