Paper Goods by Masha Manapov of Dvash


Today we have the pleasure of sharing some of the cheery paper goods created by Masha Manapov for her online shop Dvash.

Masha is a “multi discipline designer and illustrator” currently based in Tel Aviv, Israel. She is a graduate of the Bazalel Academy of Art and Design where she majored in illustration.

“My work focuses mainly on print and press media specializing in conceptual, colorful and textured imagery. At the present I’m working as a full time freelance designer and illustrator on a worldwide commission.

I discovered the world of patterns a while ago but I’ve never suspected it will be so fun and liberating to play with shapes. Recently I launched an online shop where I basically do just that–Dvash is a colorful shop which sells designed and illustrated paper goods that stems from Jewish tradition.

The shop was born from the need to design original high-quality Jewish decor products with a fresh perspective. Driven by a passion for creating something new and a bit different I am looking to provide products that will brighten up your small moments and big celebrations.

Each piece was developed from a long process of research and treated with love and care, considering the needs of different structures.”

Have a wonderful Wednesday and be sure to check out Masha’s prints, cards, calendars and more at and visit her website, to see lots more of her illustration work. -Chelsea



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