Featured Designer: Vanessa Binder

VanessaBinder_PatternObserverTextilePatterns_VanessaBinderTextilePatterns_VanessaBinder01Vanessa Binder is a creative designer, illustrator and maker based in the UK. Her many artistic talents center on projects from textile pattern and bag designs to illustrations and graphics.

Vanessa writes, “I’ve always felt like I’ve occupied life’s perimeter, stood on the outside, constantly looking inwards.

Frequently travelling hasn’t allowed me to sink into a particular landscape, but then again, I am content with floating. Saying goodbye so often, some roots have dried up while others have flourished.

My nomadic life has taught me a great deal I would otherwise not have the fortune of learning and I certainly don’t harbour many regrets in the port that is my heart.

I am equal parts graphic/pattern designer, illustrator, sewer and maker and I am currently based in England.

For the past twenty years I have always created and birthed ideas in a variety of mediums and projects.

I have a BA in Fine Arts and Fashion Design and have previously worked as; an art director, graphic designer and illustrator for both design studios and myself as a freelancer.

Despite the often bulky workload, I have always sewed. I broke my Mother’s sewing machine making clothes for my doll when I was just 12 and I realised if that didn’t quell my passion nothing would.

Often, I catch myself feeling bored. People say that ‘Boredom is the Mother of creativity,’ so that always gives me hope that I must be doing something right.”

Meet Creative Designer Vanessa Binder

Check out this lovely short video to learn more about Vanessa’s work process, and be sure to visit her website at www.bagthecat.com. You can also find her on InstagramTwitter or Pinterest. Have a terrific weekend, everyone! -Chelsea


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