Featured Designer: Pepa Migli

PEPA MIGLI Pattern Observer PEPA MIGLI Pattern Observer PEPA MIGLI Pattern Observer PEPA MIGLI Pattern Observer

How stunning are these patterns?! They are the work of Pepa Migli, a fashion designer, teacher, illustrator and creative based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pepa sets a wonderful example to continue learning and exploring in this creative field we all love…no matter what level we’re at.

“Being immersed in the illustration world is the result of having spent most of my childhood drawing and observing things around me. Nowadays I’m still learning on my own. I have taken many courses in art, photography, the human figure, patterns and continued creating as well as teaching. I love working with color, transparencies and watercolors.”

Pepa has a shared project called Buika (www.buika.com.ar) which makes swimwear with illustrations inspired by countries around the world, and she also works independently for others.

You can see some of her work on her blog at https://pepamigli.carbonmade.com/ and follow her on Instagram @pepa_migli.

Wishing you a fabulous first weekend of fall!! -Chelsea


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