Featured Designer: Marina Oliveira of Cottonflower Studio

unnamed-8unnamed-2unnamed-6Marina Oliveira is a surface pattern designer and illustrator who lives in Brazil with her husband, her three cats and a dog. She graduated in architecture and worked for ten years as an interior designer with business jets for an aircraft company. She has since decided to change paths and fell in love with surface pattern design and illustration. She now creates under the label of Cottonflower Studio.

“My style is very whimsical and naturalistic with a focus on botanical and floral collections. Still, I love the challenge of focusing on different subjects now and then. What is very important for me, is the structure and shapes of the object that I am focusing on. It needs to be interesting to be represented in a pattern. This must be due to my architecture background.

I usually work within a theme, I created by myself or by a client. I gather inspiration by collecting information for a moodboard. This is when it takes most of my time, to understand what I expect from the new collection. And then I draw, draw, draw… until dawn. This is when I usually forget about everything else! Love this part!

Next step I digitalize, colorize and, at the end, I create pattern for ultimate adjustments.”

Visit Marina at www.cottonflowerstudio.com or on Instagram @cottonflowerstudio.

Enjoy the weekend!!

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