Blueprint Preview: Katherine Lenius


The busy print show season is upon us and we are excited to kick off our exhibitor features with Illustrator and Surface Designer Katherine Lenius. Katherine is presenting her amazing work at Blueprint, Show 1.

Katherine grew in Minnesota and still makes her home around the Minneapolis, MN area. As a child, she loved to explore her skills, but it didn’t always work out the way she planned. She got in trouble a time or two for drawing on the walls, an experience that is common in my family as well. After pursuing a degree in Theater, Kathrine made her way back to drawing—and we are glad she did! As Katherine says, “I love designing prints and patterns that can be used to make the everyday more beautiful.”

When viewing her work, I’ve been in awe of it, and had to ask Katherine about it. She shared: “My work is a combination of traditional and digital techniques, often using hand painting and lettering, and then finishing the design on the computer. I’m most inspired by my own backyard: nature, my garden, vintage textiles, and children’s books. I love to create work that includes florals, animals, and everyday objects.”


At the show, Katherine will have a good selection of her new florals, children’s prints, greeting card designs, and holiday art on display. One thing I believe will stand out to you is her passion for bold new trends—including lots of color and pattern—and her work compliments these rising trends wonderfully.

While preparing for Blueprint, Katherine told me that, “I’m very excited to be returning to Blueprint this year with my art collective Pencil Parade, and I’m looking forward to reconnecting with clients and meeting new ones!”

You’re invited to visit Katherine. She’d love to meet you. Remember, she’s at Blueprint, Show 1, which is being held May 17-19 in New York! You can see her amazing work at Booth 44 and also visit her website

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