Surtex Preview: Stephanie Jones


Stephanie Jones is a busy person. Like many designers, she has many things on her plate all happening at once. In addition to being an Illustrator, she is also a Pilates teacher and a K-12 art teacher.

When Stephanie reflects on her journey of discovery for where she has arrived, she says, “I love rich bright color and cheerful subject matter. When I was little, all the neighborhood kids sat around a coffee table and drew for hours. That’s where it started. Several of us are professional artists to this day.”


For SURTEX 2018, Stephanie has created an exciting collection that is going to be sure to draw attention. This is how she explains it: “I did a collection of Glamping imagery that I like a lot, as well as some blue and white design featuring chairs, and a nautical group featuring compasses.” Her work is so interesting and pleasant! I want to explore each little detail, texture and variation.

Some wisdom that Stephanie likes to carry with her comes from the combination of the artist and teacher that thrives within her. She says, “I always try to remember that there is a place for all artists’ work, just not always where you think. Keep looking and you will find your perfect fit.”

You’re invited to visit Stephanie at SURTEX, which is being held May 20-22 in New York! She’d love to meet you! You can see her amazing work at Booth 2615, which is Meehan Design Group. Also seek Stephanie out at her website and on Instagram.

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