A Return to Art with Bec Irvine

I love the energy of these patterns! The compact layouts are filled with fun details to explore. It would be easy to get carried away for a long time looking at what Bec Irvine has created. It was wonderful to learn more about her and her return to art.

Bec’s Journey

Bec shared a bit about her childhood with us. She said, “I was the child that always had a pencil in my hand. When I left school, I wanted to make a living from my art but wasn’t sure how to make that happen, so I became a graphic designer.”

We wondered what came next. Bec shared this: “After the birth of my first daughter, I felt a real pull to return to art. I discovered the world of surface pattern design and now offer illustration services along with my design work. I’m building a bank of pattern collections with a view to gain representation. A career goal of mine is to have my patterns licensed across a range of commercial products. To walk the isles of a department store and see my patterns on products would the ultimate career highlight for me.”

Looking forward

We wondered if Bec had any other aspirations for her career. She told us that “illustrating a children’s book would be another dream job for me.” It would be wonderful to see what she did with that!

The last thing we were curious about was some of the inspiration for the collection Bec has chosen to share with us. She told us, “The patterns I included are the ones that make me the happiest (and the ones I’d love to be turned into dresses #DressesIWishIHad is an IG hashtag dream of mine).

“I create art because it makes me happy, I’ve also realized it makes me calm. During lockdown, I drew A LOT. Then I found out about #the100dayproject and I drew even more! Some of the patterns I’ve included came out of that project.”

You can view Bec’s work on her website.

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