Upcoming Online Textile Design Courses in the TDL

Our upcoming Textile Design Lab schedule of online textile design courses is so full of fun events that I thought our schedule was worthy of a blog post update!

Below you will find our schedule of online textile design courses and events, all of which are free for Textile Design Lab members. All times are Eastern, and all live sessions will be recorded. In addition to these events, we will continue to have our weekly live art critiques on Thursdays at 1pm, our community coloring chats on Fridays at 1pm, and regular design challenges.

You can join our community of designers here.

March theme: Presenting our work to buyers

This month our focus is on creating look books that we can present to buyers, clients and hiring managers. The community will work through a short online textile design course which includes free access to WGSN so that members can conduct market and trend research. The event begins with a live presentation by MaryJane Mitchell. In this presentation MaryJane will walk us through the process of creating look books. For the next two weeks members will work on creating their own look books, getting feedback and support through our private forums. At the end of two weeks the event ends with a live look book critique with MaryJane.

Live events in March:

  • 3/09, 11am: Goals Chat and Check-In. We’ll take this time to check-in as a community and see how we can support each other to achieve our goals with more ease.
  • 3/15, 11am: Photoshop Training with Sherry London. This month’s topic will be Smart Objects.
  • 3/17, 1 pm: Presentation with MaryJane Mitchell on Creating Look Books. This presentation is a part of a short course/community event , which includes access to WGSN.
  • 3/23, 11am: Illustrator Training with Laura Coyle
  • 3/24, 1pm: Live One Hour Design Challenge. In this session Chelsea will lead us through a creative exercise that we will work on together!
  • 3/30, 1pm: Live Look Book Critique with MaryJane Mitchell

April theme: Illustrator: A Fresh Look

I am thrilled to announce one of the new online textile design courses coming to the Textile Design Lab! On Monday, April 5th Laura Coyle will be leading our community through her new course, Illustrator: A Fresh Look.

For six weeks the Textile Design Lab community will be taking a fresh look at Adobe Illustrator (affiliate link). Each Monday several short tutorials will be released and posted to the TDL website. Then each Wednesday we will have a live two hour training session where we work along side Laura, taking a deep dive into the topics of the week. Topics include:

  • Shape drawing, selection, layers and groups
  • Vector basics : stacking order, anchor points, paths, live content vs. expanded
  • Color: swatches, eyedropper tool, RGB vs CMYK
  • Drawing tools overview: pen, pencil, brushes
  • Files: exporting, saving, cloud vs. computer
  • Overview of integration with Illustrator on the iPad, Fresco, Creative Cloud, Photoshop

I hope that you will join us for these informative online textile design courses. Our community is filled with supportive, inspiring surface pattern and textile designers and we would love to welcome you to the community! Join us here.

    1. Hi Elisabeth!

      All of these courses and events are part of our Textile Design Lab community. The community cost is $49/month. You can see everything it includes here: http://www.textiledesignlab.com

      Please let me know if you have any questions!

  1. Hi! I joined the community but haven’t made much progress. I need to refocus on the one I started. Just to clarify your answer to Elisabeth above, are all your courses available for the $49 monthly community cost? If so, I really need to get up off my duff and get to work!

    1. Hey Linda! Yes, all of our courses are available in the Lab and included in the $49/month price. There are no additional charges. I hope this is helpful!

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At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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