Featured Designer: Becka Rahn

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I am delighted to feature the work of Becka Rahn in today’s post. Becka does so many interesting things and it was such a treat to hear how she became interested in the textile industry.

“My background is entirely self-taught, but I have been making and learning about things since I was a child. I am never NOT making something. I have a degree in education and I often call myself a “teaching artist” because I am equally passionate about helping other people find their artistic skills and inspiration as I am about making my own work.

“I do a lot of art in my community, from working at local art centers and museums to serving on the board of directors of some arts non-profits. About 6 years ago I decided to pursue art full time. I found this to be occasionally scary and challenging to put things together into something that looks like a ‘job.’”

We took note of how much appreciation Becka has for everything and asked her to elaborate on that for us. She said, “I love that I am doing something different every day, from teaching to sewing new stock for my ‘The Spoonflower Handbook’ and write semi-regularly on my blog about life as a working artist.”

Our next question was about what Becka’s favorite things to design are. She told us, “I design using cut paper illustrations, often from recycled magazines and hand painted paper, which are then digitally printed on to fabric. Primarily, I make one of a kind garments from my custom fabrics and the designs themselves are engineered to fit the shape of the garment.”

A bit of wisdom Becka shared: “Don’t be afraid to blaze your own trail. There are so many things out there that give you advice about the one ‘right way’ to do everything. I just don’t believe there is one right way for anything. Learn new things. Take the parts that work for you and move ahead.”

The photos Becka is sharing represent her “gallery exhibit” type work. You can see more of her work by visiting her website.

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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