Jane Lewis Textile Scholarship

On August 24, 2017 we lost Jane Lewis, one of the most talented and knowledgeable textile designers in the quilting industry. Jane had been battling lung cancer since 2015 and through all she had to endure she was still committed to her contributions to our industry.

Jane truly loved the textile design industry and it always showed. She was so grateful to rise up and lend a helping hand to other designers. While at P&B Textiles she helped countless artists and designers craft brilliantly curated collections. She loved discovering new talent within the industry and helping designers find their way. This work and passion continued within her work in Pattern Observer’s Textile Design Lab and so many students have benefited from it. She was so passionate about the TDL community, attending our weekly art critiques, giving detailed feedback on our forums, and creating a guest expert training on Developing Quilt Fabric Collections. Her words and insights were cherished by everyone, and all who received them are better in their craft because of it.

Soon after Jane’s passing her friends and family established the Jane Lewis Textile Scholarship to help students trying to learn the craft of textile design. Pattern Observer has matched all donated funds and we are pleased to announce that we will be awarding two scholarships on April 1, 2020. If you are interested in applying you can learn more here.

  1. Hello Textile Design Lab.

    What a wonderful gift from Jane Lewis! Thank You!

    Yes, I would be very interested in applying for the Jane Lewis Scholarship for the 2019 term.
    Please let me know when the applications become available.
    Best regard, Lisa Rivas

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