Featured Designer: Belinda Crossley of Brkich

As businesses grow it is often difficult to find the right balance between staying involved in the process and letting go of certain tasks. Outsourcing aspects of one’s business to a collaborator, assistant or another business is wonderful, but it can also be very uncomfortable and scary.

Belinda Crossley of Brkich, who designed the pieces that you see above, recently started outsourcing the printing and manufacturing of her garments and she seems to be doing it all in stride. She found a local printer who she loves working with, Printink Studio, and this enables to focus her time on other aspects of the business.

The basis of her latest collection, Opercula, “was originally sourced from botany books and online imagery, but the most pivotal inspiration came from a much more immediate source; the plants and gardens found in suburban melbourne streets. Thus Opercula is less about the outback and more about the Eucalyptus along the nature strip and the Grevillea peeking over your back fence.” To see the entire collection please visit brkich.com.

I hope that you all have an absolutely wonderful weekend. Registration for The Ultimate Guide to Repeats Workshop closes this Sunday, April 28th so if you haven’t taken the time to register, please do so TODAY!

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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