Featured Designer: Lele Prates


To wrap up the week we are delighted to feature these smile-inducing patterns by Alessandra dos Santos, a freelance surface pattern designer who designs under the name Lele Prates. She is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but now lives at the south of the country, at Porto Alegre.

“I’ve discovered the pattern design world and immediately identified myself with geometric, abstract and very colorful shapes. I usually prefer very colorful and bright patterns so I end up designing more this kind of pattern. You can find me at the Textile Design Lab, at leleprates.com and at Keka Case.”

Lele also has a Pinterest page which features her bright, cheerful works and some wonderful pattern inspiration. Enjoy! -Chelsea

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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