Featured Design Studio: Piirre Collective


We have a real treat in store for you today—this whimsical pattern-filled animation by Finnish studio Piirre Collective! Mirva Mähönen, a “scientist-minded design explorer” and member of Piire Collective wrote, “we want to present our first short animation, where the patterns come alive! How many patterns can you find?” If this doesn’t put a smile on your face I don’t know what will!


Piire Collective 2 Piire Collective 1 kollektiivikuosijatkumo

Piire Collective consists of eleven designers, all of whom you can read about here (scroll down to “get to know our team” for a fun synopsis of each designer through sketches and phrases.) Their design philosophy is collaboration-based and quite fascinating, you can read more about it in this PDF they put together, which starts off with the line, “there is no such thing as a dumb idea.” We couldn’t agree more and hope you will take these wise words with you into your creative pursuits for this weekend and beyond! Have a wonderful weekend. -Chelsea


***If the idea of working collaboratively catches your interest, join us in The Textile Design Lab where you will have access to our self-study mini-course, Collaboration for Pattern Designers! In this ten day course you will learn the importance of working alongside other designers whether they be peers or clients, how to handle conflicts when they arise and how collaboration will enrich your design process. You will identify your strengths and what challenges you when working with others, and practice your new-found skills giving you the confidence to put them into action. ***

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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