Featured Designer: Christelle Cellier


To wrap up the week we are delighted to feature the work of Christelle Cellier, a graphic artist and textile designer based in Lille, France. After twelve years spent in a textile company, Christelle threw herself into freelance work starting in May of 2015.

She writes, “I develop prints for ready to wear in a style at once poetic, original and subtle. My preferences go to the areas of women and children. I use vector drawing and manual drawing. Making photography, it is conceivable to produce exclusive images for unique operating rights. In the close future, I am going to develop more prints which will be inspired by art history and costume history, from ancient cultures or exotic ones because I like to travel and create bridges between past and present. For me, museums or musicians are more inspiring than trends or market, even if it’s important I think to be able to answer to this aspect.”

Visit Christelle online at http://christelledesign.blogspot.fr or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/christellecellierdesign/. Have a great weekend!

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