Featured Designer: Jocelyn Proust



Surtex kicks off in just under a week, and Jocelyn Proust will be exhibiting there for the second time alongside her Four Corners Art Collective colleagues, Beth Schneider, Pippa Shaw and Emma McGowan. You may remember this talented crew from past posts detailing their trade show experiences here, here and here

After studying art at university, Jocelyn worked for a number of years as a graphic designer in advertising, marketing and publishing. Her surface design journey began while taking time out from full time employment when her children were young–“I felt the need to keep creating so I dabbled in many different things including fabric painting, ceramics and jewellery making. Working with different mediums has shaped the way I design now for different surfaces.

Since exhibiting at Surtex in 2016 I have licensed my work for stationery, calendars, homewares and fabric. I am looking forward to meeting new clients in 2017 and making new partnerships so I can share more of my art to the world!”




“Birds and flowers are a constant theme in my work! I always start designing by drawing or painting or using collage in my sketchbook. I then take those initial ideas into Illustrator or Photoshop and work them into finished pieces. I like to include my hand drawn linework as often as I can and I love playing with different palettes.”

These sweet, colorful designs have us totally inspired. If you find yourself equally as smitten, be sure to visit Four Corners Art Collective at Surtex booth #2723 or head on over to www.jocelynproustdesigns.com. Have a great week!


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