Setting Inspiring Goals

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As you review your goals for the new year are you feeling less than inspired? If this is you, you’re not alone!

In this video I’ll walk you through a series of short mindfulness exercises to help you reflect on your goals and set more inspiring goals for the new year. We recently went through this exercise in our online design community, the Textile Design Lab, and our members found it to be quite helpful.

Setting Inspiring Goals

After working through the breathing exercises outlined in the video, you might want to consider these questions as you take a fresh look at your goals:

  • Are your goals big enough? Perhaps you were thinking too small in the chaos of the holiday season.
  • Are your goals focused enough? Or perhaps they are too focused? Make sure they don’t leave you unaccountable or to micro-manage yourself and your creativity.
  • What would you add, and what would you take away?
  • Is there an easier, faster, or more fun way to approach your goals?

If your goals don’t feel quite right to you it is time to consider how to update and revise them, so they feel more aligned with what you want out of this new (and hopefully better) year. This process may take a few days so be patient because it is worth it!

When I completed this exercise, everything became clearer to me. I discovered two issues with my goals for the new year.

  1. I had left off an art form that is important to my business and happiness: writing. I write so much that I often take it for granted and don’t devote the same level of importance to it that I tend to devote to painting. I updated my goals to prioritize writing in the new year.
  2. I also felt that the way my goals were written lacked personal inspiration. The way a goal is worded might not affect some people, but it does me. Knowing how I return to my goals often means my goals need to be written in an inspiring way.

Inspiring Podcasts and Books

Looking for additional resources? Here is a list of books and podcasts that our Textile Design Lab members are using to set more inspiring goals for the new year:

Inspiring Creative Process Books

Inspiring Design Podcasts

What books and other resources are currently bringing inspiration to your creative process? Please let me know in the comments below. I’d also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Mindfulness Exercises for allowing us to share these exercises with the Pattern Observer community.

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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