Intuitive Watercolor Course with Stephanie Ryan

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Who is Stephanie Ryan?

We are continually in awe over Stephanie’s serene paintings and are thrilled to help promote her class on intuitive watercolor florals. Stephanie is an extremely successful watercolor artist who has licensed art for numerous retail stores like Target, Barnes & Noble, Anthropologie, TJ Maxx, Macy’s, and so many more. Check out examples of some of her products that are sold in stores right here! In addition to licensing art, Stephanie is a mentor and educator and has a inspiration library called “The Well” for subscribers of her newsletters. She is the creator of “MAKE ART A SACRED PRACTICE.” Her hashtag and philosophy of creating not just for the end result of pentacles, but to create a true, soulful connection with her art, art practice, customers, and students. Stephanie is passionate about the healing power of art, setting intentions, meditation and mindfulness, intuition, and practicing gratitude. She has guided Textile Design Lab members through two branding exercises and is a wonderful role model for aspiring designers, we know this class will improve your artistic journey and art portfolio.

Get grounded, find your flow, let go.

Learn the techniques Stephanie Ryan uses to paint in her washy, soulful style. There is so much more to this style than just the techniques, together you will walk through the entire creative process. Learning to paint isn’t just about technical knowledge, it is also about quieting the mind and feeling your way through. As you let the materials do the work, you learn to let go of your need to control the outcome and surrender to the creative process, allowing your soul to tell its story. This class is suitable for all levels.  You will begin with simple basic painting techniques to create a strong foundation and build on those techniques to create wildly expressive florals that will make your heart sing. Stephanie will work through this all step by step and you will have so much fun letting go of control and experiencing that there are no mistakes, just opportunities to make beautiful watercolor paintings. YES! Sign me up!

The class begins Monday May 30th

Every Monday (May 30th-July4th) a module will be released with a lesson for the week. There will be live zoom painting sessions with time for Q&A. You will learn about the supplies and tools Stephanie uses to create these gorgeous paintings, but what is unique with this class is the “spiritual toolbox” that you can gather to help remove energetic blocks and clear your creative path to make your best art yet through a sacred art practice. Sign up and meet link-minded creatives from around the world!

Sign Up Here!

We are so excited to see the art you create from taking this course, share it with us with #patternobserver

Why enroll?

Imagine… an art class that will change your relationship with your art

Imagine… creating beautiful florals with simple techniques and the guidance of your intuition

Imagine… Letting go of your need to control the outcome and paint from your heart.

This is a whole new way of painting with watercolors! See what can happen when you allow yourself to get lost in the process and trust that everything will be okay, and magic will happen.

At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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