Custom Wallpaper by Jenna Lechner

Today I am delighted to highlight the beautiful surface pattern designs created by Jenna Lechner. I love the hand-painted quality and layering of motifs within each pattern. Even more, I appreciate the story telling aspect of Jenna’s work and custom wallpaper. There is so much to explore and take in with each design. It was exciting to learn more about her work.

We started with her background, which is very versatile. Jenna told us: “I’m an illustrator living in Portland, OR; I graduated from the University of Oregon and received a BFA in printmaking in 2010. I also studied art history and went to school in Florence, Italy, as well as Minnesota for a time. Previously I worked as a freelance writer & journalist, writing for local newspapers and art journals. I have always been drawing though, and I began my career as an illustrator in my mid-20s.”

Next, we wanted to learn about Jenna’s favorite things to create. She said, “I love creating custom wallpaper designs, and I aim to create more! I also love other areas of surface design; I sometimes create packaging design and retail window displays. I’m a curious person, so I’m always learning and trying to expand my knowledge of digital design as well as experimenting with natural media.”

Last, we wanted to know what inspires Jenna, to which she replied: “I am often inspired by nature and nature conservation, and I love working with small businesses.” This inspiration shows through in her work!

Take a few minutes and look at Jenna’s fabulous custom wallpaper and her portfolio of work on her Instagram page.

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