Featured Designer: KARL UND OLAF

It’s Feature Friday!!! This week I am proud to feature KARL UND OLAF, which is a new fashion label founded by Swiss graphic designer Adeline Mollard and product designer Aita Bott. The two designers met at “ECAL (Ecole Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne) in 2004. After 5 years working in their respective fields, they decided to unite forces and to collaborate on a side-project, which is KARL UND OLAF.”

Their latest collection is “inspired by lunar landscapes and volcanic atmospheres.” The scarves are available in four different designs, digitally printed on 100% Italian silk, and are available online or in selected shops in Berlin and Zu?rich. You can also connect with the designers through their facebook page.

I hope that you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend and are able to find a little inspiration or a creative outlet, whichever you may need. All the best! – Michelle


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