Textile Designer: Carol Lelivelt

Swim.Tossed Floral_v4 low res_1 Swimwear Stripe_v2_1 Swim.Railing Print_v2 website_1
Today we are pleased to share one of the three collections developed by Carol Lelivelt during our Mastering Your Market textile design e-course. In this six week workshop designers focused on the apparel, quilting and home decor markets, producing a small collection of patterns for different companies in each market. Designers can choose from several brief options, finding the ideal customer match for their style, and for this collection Carol chose to target Creative Capital Designs, a design consulting studio specializing in athletic women’s product.

“My market was a woman in her 20’s – 40’s who is active, likes to swim and do yoga etc. She wants performance fabrics in fun, energetic prints.”

Prior to taking this intensive workshop, Carol struggled with “making myself do artwork. It is so much easier when there is a client, trend, and deadline to adhere to. I learned more about specific industries and what they are looking for in artwork.

MYM was a fantastic experience, I recommend it highly. The Photoshop tutorials are very informative and allow you to take your artwork to the next level. I definitely learned new techniques, blending layers and layer styles. It was great to design for 3 very different markets and learn the ins and outs of each market. The feedback from the industry experts is extremely valuable. They give great advice on how to tweak your artwork to suit their client’s needs.”

You can see more of Carol’s gorgeous work at her website (seriously–check it out, lots of hand-painted goodness!) and join us in the Textile Design Lab to dive into our tutorials exploring so many of the fantastic market opportunities in this industry! -Chelsea

  1. Thank you Pattern Observer! As I wrote in FB, this course is a life changer. If you are confident in your skills, taking this course will take them to the next level as you hone in on designing for specific markets. The industry experts who give feedback are incredible – so much to learn from them. I can’t recommend this course enough!

  2. Carol it was great to see your work featured and hear you comments about the course. Beautiful work!

  3. Thanks for sharing your experience with us Carol! I’m about to start MYM next week and now I’m even more excited! Keep up the great work. 😉

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At Pattern Observer we strive to help you grow your textile design business through our informative articles, interviews, tutorials, workshops and our private design community, The Textile Design Lab.

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