Featured Designer: Meryl Pardoen

MerylPardoen1Meryl Pardoen is a freelance textile and surface designer who specializes in creating artworks for women’s apparel, swimwear and home decor.

“I come from a commercial interior design background, but I have always been very interested in print and pattern design, initially wanting to become a wallpaper designer. I didn’t quite know how to get such a job, but then I came across the Pattern Observer website and I knew that this was exactly what I wanted to be doing.

I thoroughly enjoy creating visually pleasing designs to enhance every day garments and products through the combination of everything I love doing, illustration, painting, photography and digital design.

Thanks to the brilliant Pattern Observer courses I obtained valuable skills and information to help me along my new career path.


My style is quite flexible and versatile. I take much of my inspiration from current trends and as an avid traveler I am fascinated by the vibrancy of different cultures and their traditional arts, from Moroccan architecture to Indonesian batik. My designs are also influenced by the intricate patterns of nature, including marine life and the underwater world. These influences are reflected in my designs in both abstract and realistic ways.

MerylPardoen2I’ve been working with print studios, as well as taking on commissions and freelance projects and I am always open to new opportunities.

I love curating boards on Pinterest and frequently post works in progress and finished pieces on my Instagram. My website is http://merylprintandpattern.com.”


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