Jane Lewis Scholarship 2019 Recipients

We are thrilled to announce the 2019 recipients of the Jane Lewis Scholarship fund. These designers impressed our panel with their innovative designs and passion for the craft. It will be a joy to work with them in the coming year and welcome them into our online community.


Chris-Hannigan2Christopher Hannigan

Christopher discovered the world of surface pattern design through Instagram, where he publishes art on a daily basis. Christopher hopes to improve his technical skills and marketing savvy in the coming year.

You can see more of his beautiful work on his Instagram page.



SonyaSonya Percival

Sonya studied traditional printmaking techniques, analogue photography and ceramics before discovering the world of textile design. Sonya hopes to begin “designing prints for companies I consider the very best in their segment/field as well as aesthetically closest to my inner eye” through freelance or in-house opportunities.

You can see more of her stunning work on her website.


NiroshaNirosha Ambagahawatta

Nirosha is a Junior Architect of Sri Lankan origin who grew up with keen interest in arts and crafts. Her love of drawing intricate details as an architect made her transition to surface pattern design a bit easier. She hopes to begin to identify her own signature style and watch it evolve with time.

You can see more of her beautiful work on her Instagram page.


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