As soon as I laid my eyes on these paintings I have been dying to share them with you! They...
* images via, Marcio Madeira/firstVIEW Hello everyone!! I took a few days off to go to a dear friend’s wedding...
Images via: (Clockwise from top left) “Lilac Times” by Liam Moloney (cropped from original), “Pink and purple” by Quinn Dombrowski , “Image from page 38 of “Childs’ catalogue of...
Images via: (clockwise from top left) “Peach Miniature Rose Interior” by Audrey (cropped from original), “Boeing 777, another clearance for Saturn…” by Bill Abbott (cropped from original), “rose quartz” by Phoenix...
*post via Rita Jardón, images via: “Two weights and Twine” by Psyberartist, “Rope and two poles” by Psyberartist, “Knowing the ropes” by Psyberartist, “Rope Macro” by...
* images via: “newark-from-the-air-at-night” by Dan DeLuca, “Busy post 6pm” by Juhan Sonin, “Santa Clara Street at night” by Richard...
* images via: “Bubbles” by Glenn Loos-Austin, “Sparkling Water” by Jonas N, “Bubbles” by Evonne,”Bubbles” by Bitterjug, “Bubbles” by Jo Naylor, “Sparkling Water...
*images via vogue, Marcio Madeira/firstVIEW This collection is of course, absolutely fabulous, but a big take away should once again...
I love fall florals..I think maybe I love the contrast of using an image that is so associated with spring...
*Post by Rita Jardón Dreamy, right? These designs are the work of Merche Grosso, who “is an architect working like...
*images via vogue, photo: marcio madeira/firstview The rainy season is already starting here in Portland, but this spring collection from...