As soon as I laid my eyes on these paintings I have been dying to share them with you! They...
*Post by Rita Jardón Dreamy, right? These designs are the work of Merche Grosso, who “is an architect working like...
*images via vogue, Marcio Madeira/firstVIEW This collection is of course, absolutely fabulous, but a big take away should once again...
*post via Rita Jardón, images via: “Two weights and Twine” by Psyberartist, “Rope and two poles” by Psyberartist, “Knowing the ropes” by Psyberartist, “Rope Macro” by...
* images via, Marcio Madeira/firstVIEW Hello everyone!! I took a few days off to go to a dear friend’s wedding...
*images via vogue, photo: marcio madeira/firstview The rainy season is already starting here in Portland, but this spring collection from...
I love fall florals..I think maybe I love the contrast of using an image that is so associated with spring...
* images via: “Bubbles” by Glenn Loos-Austin, “Sparkling Water” by Jonas N, “Bubbles” by Evonne,”Bubbles” by Bitterjug, “Bubbles” by Jo Naylor, “Sparkling Water...
* images via: “newark-from-the-air-at-night” by Dan DeLuca, “Busy post 6pm” by Juhan Sonin, “Santa Clara Street at night” by Richard...
Images via: (clockwise from top left) “Peach Miniature Rose Interior” by Audrey (cropped from original), “Boeing 777, another clearance for Saturn…” by Bill Abbott (cropped from original), “rose quartz” by Phoenix...
Images via: (Clockwise from top left) “Lilac Times” by Liam Moloney (cropped from original), “Pink and purple” by Quinn Dombrowski , “Image from page 38 of “Childs’ catalogue of...