Photoshop for Designers Featured Alumna: Meredith Haake

Photoshop for Designers is our six week workshop that starts on September 11, 2017. Today we are highlighting the work of PFD alumna Meredith Haake. Enjoy!mosaic copy

“The brush tool is magic, and I can’t believe this course was my first time using it. The brush tool allowed me to see what a print could look like before committing too much time and energy into a design.  We made a number of different brush tools our first week, and this print (seen left) was the result of two combined brushes and creating a basic repeat pattern.  I love the simplicity of the tools once you learn how to truly utilize them, and as a result, I was able to make this fun and whimsical floral print!

I love the soft and repetitive way the blues and yellows overlay in the image on the right.  Learning how to create a mosaic pattern, pushed me to think more about the way a single image can turn into something different simply by the way you reflect it against itself.tossedpattern

With this final image from week two, I experimented using a tossed pattern on top of a mosaic pattern.  I have usually done a tossed pattern by hand, trying to make it look effortless, but this technique made a huge difference for me! I was happy with the way the seemingly random, bold print lays on top of the soft, symmetrical background.

week4_color_replace_original copyThis image (at left) is from a print that I worked on prior to the course.  In my designs, I love to include hand-painted elements, but with this particular watercolor I was never happy with the way the colors translated in Photoshop.  During week 4 of the course, we learned different methods for replacing colors in an image, particularly colors that are not easy to select.  I was able to take the soft, muted colors that I felt stuck with, and bring in much more exciting and unexpected pops of color.  The third image of this set (below) is my favorite and was the result of a me trying to practice a solid color fill layer, but instead filled with a pattern.  Not what I was trying to do, but a happy accident!  The best part of week 4 for me was finding ways to change a single design and create something completely new and unexpected. 

week4_happyaccidentThis course changed the way I used to approach a design project.  I was pushed to try new techniques that I had no idea would open up and expand the creative process for me.  Learning how to use tools that are not always implemented, like the brush tool for me, makes creating simple designs much faster and more effective.  Much of my struggle has been feeling limited in what I can do with a design once it leaves the paper, but really there is so much more that can be done and corrected once you learn the proper tools to use!  For me, this course was extremely helpful.  I would recommend this course to anyone who feels stuck in their process.  It is amazing how much easier it is to create more work and better designs with specific examples of how to access the right tools in Photoshop for print design.  Sherry’s course is wonderful- simple, informative, and interactive!”

See more from Meredith at

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