*images via vogue.com There are way too many cool prints in this collection to post them all, so please check...
*images via style.com My favorite aspect of this collection (besides the beautifully drawn prints) is the concept of printing on...
Cerebella Design is a new Vermont-based company that promotes science education through art in an approachable, stylish, and sustainable way. The company was...
I was so excited when these amazing pieces arrived in my inbox. These hand-printed and hand-woven textiles come from the...
*images via vogue.com I love these mottled, crazy, nature inspired, digital masterpieces that have been on the runway for the...
*images via: “Water Over Rock” by Gohomekiki, “Life Approximates Art” by Tom Benedict, “Water Bubbles Over Rocks” by Lars Christopher,...
*images via style.com I love the huntress look to this collection from Issa. I hope that everyone has a fantastic...
*images via style.com Meow? I am not sure how I feel about the panther prints, but I love the first...
Today we are thrilled to share the work of Vivien Haley, an Australian Textile Printmaker and Artist who designed these...
*images (clockwise): “Texture” by Virginie Moerenhout, “Leaf” by Mike Bostock, “Leaf Skeleton” by Jonathan Wilson, “Sycamore Leaf” by Scott Robinson,...
It is always such a joy to hear from designers we’ve featured in the past and see what new and...
These perfectly simple and sweet designs are from textile designer Alison Tauber. Alison was born in Brooklyn, NY and studied...