Welcome Shawn! Please tell us about your business and how you work with entrepreneurs. I’ve been working as an online...
It’s hard to believe 2021 is nearing its end. It was another wild and challenging year, but one that has...
Feanne’s work can be summarized in two powerful words: “jaw-dropping” and “dramatic.” Exploring her portfolio was an absolute delight as...
As Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop have evolved over the years, both programs have added tools and features which allow textile...
Some of the links in this Grammarly review are affiliate links and I may receive a small commission for each...
It’s exciting to see in-person print shows, such as Paris Print Days, begin to open up again in some parts...
The Pattern Observer team has some inspirational holiday shopping ideas for yourself or your loved ones who create. A lot...
Diana Rakhmanova describes herself as an “independent artist/pattern designer, passionate about prints, patterns, oriental ornaments, nature, and art history.” We...
Sarah Fotheringham is a brilliant designer and part of the design duo behind, Safomasi. What I admire about their work...
October is Home Decor Month in the Textile Design Lab, which means we are coming together as a community to...
Each of us has a unique designer journey. Some of us went to design school and began working in the...
Gae Saturno is an Italian crafter based in Brussels who designed the beautiful patterns and illustrations featured here. Gae describes...