I am taking a break from Monday’s usual “Found Pattern” post to highlight one of my favorite new designers to...
Hi there! Mark Cesarik (Booth 135) and Nicole Tamarin (Booth 663) were both kind enough to send over pictures of...
Surtex is coming up next month (May 19th-21st) and if you are exhibiting we would love to help spread the...
Are you interested in licensing your patterns or possibly attending Surtex? If so, you are in for a treat! I...
Surtex is coming up in just a few days (May 18th-20th) with over 300 exhibitors from around the world gathering...
Missed Part One? Check it out here. Surtex is an annual print show held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center...
Each month in The Textile Design Lab we welcome an industry expert who offers training in their area of expertise. We have...
Susanne Kasielke is a German-born artist, illustrator, and surface pattern designer now based in the Washington DC area. She has a Master’s Degree...
To wrap up the week we are delighted to share these vibrant, energetic prints created by Robin Zietz of Robin...
You may recognize Amy Reber as the winner of our recent textile design competition with P&B Textiles. Well next week she...
To kick off this year’s Surtex features we are featuring the work of surface pattern and graphic designer (and Textile Design Lab...
We are excited to continue our Surtex features by welcoming back Fizah Malik who we first featured in October 2015....