Textile Design Lab Member Highlight: West Africa

We are now on week seven of our Summer of Creativity journey in the Textile Design Lab–one more week to go! This year’s theme is travel, and each week we explore a new “destination.” So far we have visited Cape CodJapanMalaysia & SingaporeScotland, Scandinavia, and last week we explored West Africa.

Our Textile Design Lab members were provided with three briefs, which each focused on a different country and textile tradition in West Africa–kente cloth in Ghana, bogolan (a.k.a. mud cloth) in Mali, and adire in Nigeria. Our members created such beautiful patterns and collections inspired by these themes and we are so excited to share some of that work with you in today’s post. Congrats to all the members who completed last week’s brief and I look forward to sharing more patterns with you next week. Can you guess where we’ll visit next??



(L) Pattern by Stephanie Nehme (R) Pattern by Natalie Slaven



(L) Collection by Jill Craig (R) Collection by Julie Saunders



(L) Collection by Dora Font (R) Pattern by Megan Corwin



(L) Collection by Crystal Kruger (R) Collection by John Wylie



(L) Pattern by Sarah Nussbaumer (R) Collection by Christa Schoenbrodt



(L) Collection by Esther Loopstra (R) Collection by Elise Bourne



(L) Collection by Fiona Cowell (R) Collection by Beatrice Kim



(L) Collection by Leigh Cornell (R) Collection by Mike Vancoillie



(L) Pattern by Valerie Knight (R) Collection by Terry Stone



(L) Pattern by Gill Ferguson (R) Collection by Linda Tajirian



(L) Pattern by Joslyn Werner (R) Collection by Toile de Lina



(L) Pattern by Maria Sauze (R) Pattern by Claudia Negru

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