Sandra Mejia (formerly Bowers) is a Colombian artist living in British Columbia, Canada whose portfolio consists of a magical world...
When you view Genna Blackburn’s work you get invited into a world of playful patterns, and I love it. She...
Tracy Schifeling’s work is a standout to me for two reasons. First, she creates gorgeous patterns and second, she uses...
Hello Kirsten is a muralist and fine artist working in Toronto, Canada. She mixes patterns and interesting color palettes to...
We recently wrapped up our 2017 goals course in the Textile Design Lab. The first assignment in the course was...
The motto that greets you on the homepage of Ryan Swanson’s website is, “I Work As A Designer But I’m Secretly...
In a world where we cannot get enough charm, we can get Karen Weber and her oh so charming illustrations!...
Every time I get the chance to view Sarah Donofrio’s work I also acknowledge what a gorgeous portfolio she has....
When I think of the exquisite work of Maria Montiel, I am instantly delighted. I love her layered patterns and...
This is the first in a series of posts highlighting some of our favorite printed products that are out in...
Inside Lottozero is an international exhibition currently taking place at Lottozero / textile laboratories — “a center for textile design, art and...
Simone Evans is a passionate artist and textile designer of many talents! As a Shibori-dyer she works with bold and...