Amanda Corcoran is a self taught designer and mother of three who finds the time to design fabric collections, educate...
Misha Zadeh is a seasoned designer who knows how to pivot her business to meet retail needs. Misha was born...
Welcome Shawn! Please tell us about your business and how you work with entrepreneurs. I’ve been working as an online...
With summer coming to an end, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the year and consider what you would...
Writing isn’t the easiest process for most designers to do. Sure, we can write our blogs (which I highly recommend)...
Some links used within this post are affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a small commission if a purchase is...
Andrea Martinez is the creative behind Amarti, a design studio that focuses on marrying digital applications with hand sculpted art...
While the Summer season is still going strong, the Pattern Observer team is working hard on all the informative and...
Some of the links in this Grammarly review are affiliate links and I may receive a small commission for each...
For this year’s Summer of Creativity, we welcomed Brooke Ashley, founder of marketing agency Flowstate11, as our guest expert. Brooke...
In this post we’ll explore how to find your art style. Some links used within this post are affiliate links,...
Are you looking for a way to sell your pattern designs or artwork? Selling patterns through print studios can offer...