Post by Jamie Kalvestran, part of a series of interviews from the 2015 International Quilt Market. (Previous interviews found here: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4, Part5.) ...
“What do you think about moving to China for a few years?” Designer Deb Spofford said “Why not!” when her...
Cathy Westrell Nordström, of Studio Lilla Form, is a Swedish graphic designer turned surface pattern designer living in Stockholm with...
Naila Malik is a British textile designer and lecturer and we are delighted to welcome her back for her second stint as...
Photoshop for Designers is a six week workshop that begins on September 11, 2017. Today we are highlighting the work of...
From time to time we all have to work with troublesome scans. Maybe a client provided you with a low...
We are gearing up for The Ultimate Guide to Repeats (UGTR) group study which starts on Monday, July 20th, 2015...
The Ultimate Guide to Repeats (UGTR) group study starts on Monday, February 8th, 2016 in the Textile Design Lab! This week, leading...
Jiah Harrison is a textile artist and the designer/ maker behind Elephant & Rose. She recently launched a new product...
Meryl Pardoen is a freelance textile and surface designer who specializes in creating artworks for women’s apparel, swimwear and home...
Lina Rennell is a “high-casual women’s wear label, with a heavy focus on original print work, USA production and craft.” Read on...
Prints created by Beatriz in our Photoshop for Designers workshop Beatriz Vecino, who designs under the name Bevero, is a...